blog of the Writing Center

Wittenberg Door

clarity SBTS Writing clarity SBTS Writing

A Call For Clarity

Of course there is beauty in truth!  Can we ever separate God’s beauty from His truth?  No, for they are inherently bound up in each other.  Might we separate the truth and beauty of His Word?

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Sentence SBTS Writing Sentence SBTS Writing

The Subtlety of the Sentence

There exists a stark difference between what you are trying to communicate and the actual words you use to this end. Pay attention the next time you read a book or article. Chances are, somewhere, a cogent engaging thought will be diffused by hasty wording.

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editing SBTS Writing editing SBTS Writing

3 Tips for Cutting Down Your Paper

Many times, I receive a draft form with some sort of instructions to aid in cutting the paper down. Many times still, the student notifies me that they have exhaustively and repeatedly scanned their document, looking for those dispensable components.

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