
If you are writing a position paper or a research paper, you need your paper to be formatted with a title page, the appropriate indentation, and the omission of the first page number and addition of a page number on each subsequent page beginning with number one. Click below for the template!

A quick reference guide with examples of footnotes, shortened footnotes, and bibliography entries for any kind of source, such as books with editors, commentary sets, or journal articles found online. For more detailed information on forming citations, see Turabian chapters 16-17. Click below to see examples of footnotes and citations.

If you are writing a theology paper, you likely need to know how to cite biblical references and translations according to SBTS style. Brief examples are provided for different scenarios you may encounter when using a bible citation or when working with different translations. Click below to see examples!
Book Reviews

If you are writing a book review, you need your paper to be formatted with a title page, the appropriate indentation, and the omission of the first page number and addition of a page number on each subsequent page beginning with number one. You also need to cite the book before writing. Click below for the template!

If you are writing a book review, you need to know how to format your paper and each section properly. Style questions commonly asked are addressed in the guide. Click below for an example of a book review with helpful notes!

If you are writing a book review, you need your paper to be formatted with a title page, the appropriate indentation, and the omission of the first page number and addition of a page number on each subsequent page beginning with number one. You also may want some addition advice concerning how to go about reviewing your book. Click below for an annotated book review example!
Theology Papers

If you are arguing a position or writing a book review at Boyce College or SBTS, each paper needs to conform to “SBTS style.” Most everything you need to know about formatting your papers you’ll find in this style guide. Why do we need both this style manual and Turabian? Turabian gives general guidelines on many formatting issues, but it doesn’t give specifics. The SBTS Manual of Style explains “how-to” in regard to formatting your papers.
The SBTS Citation Quick Guide shows you footnotes and citations in SBTS style and points out some of the most important formatting features. For a digital copy of the SBTS Manual of Style, click above. Read the SBTS Citation How-To Guide for an overview of help, too.

If you are writing a position paper or a research paper, you need to be thinking about a couple of key concepts. Videos showing how to go about writing a position paper, theological communication, and researching. Click below for more resources for writing your paper!

If you would like an example of a theology paper, you may view one of three former student examples of theology position papers. Each paper shows strengths and weaknesses through marginal annotations provided by the Writing Center staff. Annotations marked in green provide examples of strong writing, those in yellow highlight writing that is acceptable but open to improvement, and those sections marked in red indicate writing errors to avoid.
Research, References, and Writing

Periodically, when the Writing Center has hosted workshops throughout the semester, print copies of helpful guides, charts, and resources are handed-out.

If you are writing a position paper or a book review, your most precise reference is the most recent version of the Chicago Manual of Style, the 17th edition. Click below to browse the Chicago Manual of Style if you are unsure how to cite a particular work!

If you are writing a paper, you need some quality transitions. Check out the handout below to see ways to identify good places to use transitions and examples of transitional words and phrases.

If you are a Boyce, Southern, or doctoral student, Zotero can be an easy tool to help with research you may be writing. Find a tutorial video above to provide you with a how-to for setting up and using this citation and footnote tool.

If you are a student conducting research, library guides are provided to help with research. Find topical research guides for the Great Awakening, to Old Testament exegesis, to New Testament Dictionaries, to dogmatics, and more.

If you are writing a research paper or similar assignment, you likely need to know how to cite biblical references and translations. Expanded examples are provided for different scenarios you may encounter when using a bible citation or when working with different translations.

If you are writing a paper, you may need a walk-through for how to connect ideas together in your paragraphs. This guide explores the internal logic of paragraph structure as well as common pitfalls. Browse a how-to guide for organizing your paragraph below.

If you need help with identifying and improving run-on sentences or sentence fragments, see the handout below. The second part of the handout will help with ways you can begin varying your sentences.

If you are writing a paper, you may need an explanation of what goes into an outline or an example of an outline. Browse a how-to guide and example of a paper outline below.

If you are writing a paper, when should you use block quotes? This guide shows how to use block quotes effectively as well as common pitfalls. Browse a how-to guide for the principles of when (and when not to) use block quotes below.

Periodically, the writing center hosts workshops on writing, reviewing, researching, and other specialized interest areas. Review these video resources below.